The Best Mortgage Rates You want to purchase a home. For most people that means getting a mortgage. This is not the time to let somebody else do the shopping...
Step-by-Step Buying First of all, have your credit checked. Homebuyers to have their credit checked six months before buying a place to make sure their FICO...
Reverse Mortgages A reverse mortgage is a home loan that provides cash payments based on home equity. Homeowners normally “defer payment of the loan...
Renting to Own Rent-to-own, also known as rental-purchase, is a type of legally documented transaction under which tangible property, such as...
Remodel or Refinance? Let’s see. Do I want to refinance now or wait until I finish with my home improvements? Or do I go ahead and get a construction...
Moving House How do you move everything you own into your new home without losing your mind? By reading our moving home guides. Handy hints and tips...